How Helpful Are Twitter Analytics

If you are the admin of a Facebook page, then you can see the analytics of that page in the “Insights” section of Admin Panel. Similarly, now it is possible for checking analytics on Twitter. Earlier this privilege was available for Twitter ad customers only. The new facility is being rolled slowly and it is only a matter of time before it would be available for everyone.


Brand Monitoring and Conversation Tracking

In every adversity, lies opportunity. In the chaotic and unceasing world of social media and internet in general, businesses have begun to dive head in to take advantage of the plethora of information that is transmitted daily in the form of status updates, likes, comments, tweets, etc. In the prevalent consumerist lifestyle, these pieces of data invariably contain information about a company’s product or its perceived image.


Sentiment Analysis: Bridging the Gap Between Machines and Emotions

It is safe to assume that the advent of internet communities has never been so intense as it’s now. With the sheer number of online users on various social platforms showing no hints of slowing down, this newfangled virtual cluster has provided businesses with a completely different insight into their target group’s perceptions. This insight relates to the fact that almost every online social platform is used


Facebook Merger Part 3 – Merging Facebook Place Page and Business Page

Among the great products launched by Facebook, Facebook Places has been one of the greatest. Facebook Places went live on 18 August 2010. It is a product for both local businesses and Facebook users alike, especially since the launch of Deals. What are Facebook Places? When a Facebook user checks in to a location using his/her iPhone, Android phone, BlackBerry or via, he/she is automatically connected


Facebook Merger Part 2 – Merging Facebook Profile With Existing Facebook Page

In our previous article in this series, we had described how the merger of the personal Facebook page with a fan page on Facebook could be done. Now we will have a look at another aspect of merger where we merge a Facebook profile with an existing Facebook page. Is it possible to add my Facebook friends like my page fans? One of the simplest but most


Facebook Introduces Embedded Posts

In an era where social media captured every aspect of our life, we all come across plug-ins that are related to some social-media platforms. Given the fact that Facebook is popular enough to be a synonym for the term “social media”, one can expect many plug-ins targeting Facebook. The latest one is about embedded posts. What does the “embedded posts plugin” do? Embedded Posts is a social


Facebook Introduces New Changes To News Feed

Every day, we open our Facebook and see the updates from our friends and the pages that we have LIKED on Facebook. We LIKE, comment and share the updates in the news feed. The updates we share appear on our Timeline. Given the fact that we check our News Feed when we sign in to Facebook, it would be a big surprise if a new change comes


Facebook Merger Part 1 – Merging Facebook Personal Page And Fan Page

Many people have their fan-pages on Facebook. Here we are talking about fan-pages that are owned by people on whose name they have been made or are dedicated. Recently, some Facebook users were contacted by Facebook and asked whether they would like to merge their “fan-pages” with their personal pages. This would turn their “fans” into “subscribers.” Here, the logic given by Facebook was that the user


Facebook’s Page Events Now Become Target Specific

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites, and creating an events page on it can ensure that your events will be publicized and reach a large audience. But sometimes, quality is more important than quantity. Reaching the correct target audience has become more necessary than reaching a larger audience, which may not necessarily be your target. Facebook events are one of the most popular