How to Increase Social Media Organic Traffic!

First of all, let’s understand what is organic traffic? – “Organic traffic” is the traffic that comes to your website as a result of unpaid search results. One of the main goals of SEO is to increase organic traffic. Similarly, “Organic reach” is the total number of unique people who were shown your post through unpaid distribution. High organic reach numbers are one of the treasures that


Social Media Algorithm Changes: What’s in store for 2016!

Social Media Algorithm Changes With thousands of users being added every month on social media platforms, sharing tons of data and information, how the platforms prioritize the best content to generate the best user experience on social media. This is where the algorithm comes into the picture. Each social media platform has its independent algorithm which gets modified as per the user feedback, giving more and more


Twitter Launches Music App

Twitter Music App Twitter surprised many music lovers by launching a Twitter music app. A new service called #music will change the way people find music, based on Twitter. This service uses Twitter activity, including Tweets and engagement, to detect and surface the most popular tracks and emerging artists. It also brings artists’ music-related Twitter activity front and center. Users will go to their profiles to see


Download Your Tweets Soon

Twitter has got a new feature which enables Tweeters to download their tweets. This is a unique feature which many Tweeters would want to have in their accounts. “Download Tweets” feature is supposed to be downloaded in the account before the account owner can use it. Navjot Singh, a blogger in India claimed to be the first Tweeter to download and use this feature in the South
