SEO Marketing during Corona Pandemic

by | Apr 18, 2020 | ChatterBox | 9 comments

SEO Marketing during Corona Pandemic 2020

SEO is the long process of making conscious digital efforts to optimize your website. It indeed takes a long time to kick in the process of optimization. It takes months to get done with the process of optimization to show the results. 

Although we are facing the challenge of Coronavirus globally, it is not affecting the people sitting at homes and working for SEO from behind the screen of your laptop. 

This lockdown period is going a little stretched than it is estimated so why not make good use of it whatsoever instead of letting the time go waste. 

And so without making any further ado, let’s get into the main topic that talks about the SEO marketing strategies during these times. 

Marketing Audit of SEO

It is not as simple as seeing the symptoms and prescribing regular drugs. It is always different in different cases. And every case needs a different strategy to play with. So it is highly recommended that they do not start all of sudden. Go stepwise, starting with making the SEO audit of clients’ websites. 

What gets covered in SEO audit

Scan the whole Website: Make a good go through with the whole website of the client where you have to perform the SEO activities. Go through each page and the content that is needed to be changed according to the SEO mannerism. 

Keyword Analysis: Based on the genre of your industry we can change the keywords and you can also change the keywords according to the changing market and if according to changing content strategies. 

Competitor Analysis: Make a good analysis of the competitors’ website as well so that you will get an idea about what exactly going on in the market. 

Plus having the slightest idea about what is going on with the competitors is the real deal.

Technical SEO Audit: There are hell lot of things that come under the Excel sheet when it comes to taking care of the technical part of the SEO part of the website, that you are taking care of the website. 

All these parameters are very important when it comes to doing technical SEO of the website. And there are few things you need to change while performing SEO, those repair the errors if the website has any, tweak the Metadata tags, little bit of content so as to make sure that the keywords are not getting stuffed. And change the links if needs to. 

When you are starting up with the SEO of any new website the crucial things and things that should be get done on priorities are the following:

Meta Tags: This includes the Title, Description, missing H tags or duplicate H tags.

Keywords: You better choose keywords and separately mark then out in different spreadsheets for future reference.

Article per Keyword: This is not any theoretically written anywhere but this is the common practice that all SEO people will apply, which has been proved working well so far. Or this trick is to use one keyword per page. Article per keyword or the keyword per page is one of the same techniques that work the same for SEO purposes. 

Link Profile: You should link profile to your website and if it is linked already then you should make some improvements to it to see if it gives any results. 

Listing to Google My Business: List the business or the website to GMB if it is already not and if it is then repaired to make it work. 

Increase the Word Per Count in your Website Content: Ideally, see it that the article or the blog per comes with the 1000 word s either. 

Image Optimization: Take care and make sure that your image is no more than 120KB that you are uploading to the website. 

No sooner than you repair these listed issues on your website, you can be stress less about the On-Page SEO, as it is almost done here. I said almost as the keywords you use in the content of the website makes a huge difference in making the whole thing clear. Choosing a right and appropriate keywords could be the task but it is familiar to the player who works in SEO day and night. 

This is the outline of the SEO audit, now you are ready to take care of, what they call, Off-Page SEO, and branch it out.

Link Building:

Link building is one of the crucial activities that you can do under Off-page SEO. Outranking of your website is not possible unless your website is getting it backlinks to it. 

And what you can do is, use this time of Corona lockdown to make the big blogger outreach throughout the web for building the links for your website. 

Getting any link is not going to work in terms of getting ranked on SERP but the quality links will. The quality links will also provide the link juice to your site. This will also help you making increasing the site traffic in good numbers. 

3 Months of SEO Strategy, Roughly.

  • Good time for link building activity: this is a good period to start the actions for the link building activity as the result of this will take time to reflect the results. This time will, of course, give you more opportunities but the quality links should be sought constantly. 
  • Get more Citation: so along with getting good and quality links, you get some links on a regular basis.
  • Content of the website: No doubt that the content that is going online through your websites and blogs and otherwise is the trump card you are holding in your hand. Giving out the best content is what going to matter in the end. No matter how many SEO activities you do for getting ranked in the SERP, if the content is not good enough, all the efforts that have been taken are of no use. 

Saying all of this, I would really think you will give some serious thoughts about starting the SEO work on your website and make this home- quarantine time pass a little bit productively. 

And let me know if you want ant further information over this, happy to help. 

Take care!

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