Statistics speak louder than tips and tricks when we are talking about Digital Marketing in this era. Statistics reflect efforts and results this marketing technique is providing to every edge of business. For beginners, the healthcare industry is facing new...
85% or more students are using the internet as their basic book of information to complete their studies, projects and to find the right coach or mentor. Generation Z is spending almost more than 8 hours of their time on the internet. And don’t underestimate...
What is that thing that makes people buy things/ products watching the ads or marketing campaigns on social media? The first and the most candid guess of mine would be the Desire! That feeling we get after seeing the particular somebody is using a particular product...
Conversion Rate: The importance of the conversion rate is huge in every business no matter what. But increasing conversion rate is a very subjective term and it changes with the changing genre of the business. Like, for example, in the business...