We can notice that universities and other educational service providers are now using Social Media Marketing on the increasing levels. There is no doubt that Digital Marketing in the education sector is proving to be a game changer. Marketers are now focusing more on building interactive communication with prospective students. Hence the adoption of technology and social media is gradually increasing.
The importance of online experience while browsing for courses or institutes is proven now, students might remove a particular institution from their list because they had a bad experience with University or college’s website.
Digital Marketing in the education sector faces many challenges of engaging with the youngest generations, generations yet to be named, those who don’t have any behavioral data and with whom marketers struggle to relate. The current generation marketers are betting against Generation X, those who were born in the late ’90s to mid-2000s. As the digital marketers, we need to do more than keeping up with this technology-driven generation, we must stay ahead of them in order to anticipate their needs and create an engaging messaging in the spaces they reside.
Social Media Marketing offers the mediums to stay ahead of your digital marketing strategies and your target audiences. For many years now, educational institutes have been using Social Media platforms to connect with current and prospective students, and their efforts are now showing results.
At SocialChamps, we are always looking for interesting opportunities through social media.
Here are a few ways, by which Social Media can be leveraged by institutes.
College Admissions:
Social Media can be used as an effective medium to generate the leads for admissions to various courses.
Creating Learning Environment:
It enables students to learn online at their own pace and pace by means of listening to vlogs, podcasts, lectures, and webinars. At the same time, it enhances the students and teachers to interact in the classroom. Hence planning a well thought content strategy might create a long-lasting impact from a branding perspective. Although a very few institutes are focusing on content creation for the community at large.
Alumni Management:
An active presence in social media sites will help institutes and universities to develop strong online relationships with its former students, we know them as alumni. It also provides opportunities to find and reconnect with alumni residing abroad. Websites with specific sections for alumni and social media to get maximum to connect with your alumnus can add a lot of value.
Industry Partnerships:
It helps institutes to connect with industries for developing partnerships and searching experts in the same field of interest.
Brand Building Platform:
Social Media Marketing in education sector presents wholesome opportunities for educational institutes to communicate and promote its online brand image to their key stakeholders and interested people.
Conclusively, the students are using Social media platforms in a growing speed and popularity among college and schools in this ever-growing digital era. It is evolving as a real-time, two-way communication platform and Digital Marketing in Education Sector is enhancing its online brand, share experiences, information, and knowledge among the key stakeholders. There is no doubt that in the upcoming years, social media will definitely play an important role in higher education institutes in many forms.