Facebook ads – gearing up for changes

Facebook ads – gearing up for changes

Facebook ads – gearing up for changes The recent announcement of Facebook forbidding the free promotional posts in the users’ ‘newsfeed’ has created quite a cacophonous buzz in the arena of social media advertisement/facebook ads. Whether this buzzing move is in favor of the users or the revenue of Facebook is quite an obscure matter yet; however, what Facebook ads claims are that this move is meant


Alternatives To Buying LIKES on Facebook

Buying facebook likes In our Faking The Fakes series, we discussed how people buy and sell LIKES on Facebook. Then we told you how it can negatively affect the EdgeRank of Facebook. After knowing the negative impact that buying facebook likes can have on a Facebook page, no sensible person would ever want to buy LIKES for his page. What can be done to increase LIKES on
