Facebook ads – gearing up for changes
The recent announcement of Facebook forbidding the free promotional posts in the users’ ‘newsfeed’ has created quite a cacophonous buzz in the arena of social media advertisement/facebook ads. Whether this buzzing move is in favor of the users or the revenue of Facebook is quite an obscure matter yet; however, what Facebook ads claims are that this move is meant for bringing about better user experience.
Speculated to be effective from forthcoming January, this step appears as a ray of hope for the users already irritated with the crowded posts, but many of the page brand owners feel a bit disheartened by this step, which many consider, in soft voices though, as ruthless.
Reducing the unpaid posts may for sure make the ‘newsfeed’ less crowded; but what will happen if the paid ads make up for the free ads? Wouldn’t the newsfeed still remain crowded? The question now is unanswered. Perhaps, only the time will bring out the real answer in real time.
But as the Facebook experts claim, the Facebook algorithm would detect the ads that seem too promotional, and the ads concerning the sweepstakes, pitches for downloading apps or purchasing products, etc would no more trouble the users.
For the page brands that post free promotional ads, it is a hard blow. Earlier, Facebook itself encouraged the companies, personalities, and the businesses, etc to represent themselves with page brands, and post the ads on the users’ newsfeed. For quite sometimes, the page brands enjoyed this lavish feature; however, now it is time for them to gear up to keep pace with the mutating move of Facebook.
Facebook states that this move is to make Facebook a really high-quality place where the users can have the best possible experience and everything remains relevant to them. Of course, the paid ads will considerably contribute the growth of Facebook’s ad revenue, but at the same time, its rival may also try their luck to take advantage of this move by alluring the businesses with their lavish advertisement schemes. However, Facebook is still quite ahead in the competition, and its attention towards the users will certainly benefit it in the long run.