Facebook Video Ads in News Feeds | Facebook Ads

Do you find the news feeds on your Facebook annoying? If yes, then it is too bad that because now they are going to be more annoying, if some online reports are to be believed facebook is coming up with Facebook video ads in news feeds. The “ad dollars” is a...

New Conversion Measurement Tool from Facebook

Almost a month ago, Facebook started rolling out a conversion measurement tool that would serve as a link and help online marketers in bridging the data gap between social ads and online sales. According to David Baser, Facebook‘s ads product manager: “Measuring ad...

Download Your Tweets Soon

Twitter has got a new feature which enables Tweeters to download their tweets. This is a unique feature which many Tweeters would want to have in their accounts. “Download Tweets” feature is supposed to be downloaded in the account before the account owner...