Free-booting on Facebook? Not anymore!

by | May 22, 2016 | ChatterBox | 1 comment

Booting on Facebook:

Facebook announces it’s Right Manager’ tool to assist its video community against free-booting (content that is re-uploaded without the creator’s permission or license).

The tool will allow content owners to remove videos that are similar to their videos. The feature is almost similar to the Content ID system of YouTube. Here, the tool uses a ‘fingerprinting’ system that matches the source files provided by the license holder to its unlicensed versions and removes them. These source files need not be necessarily from facebook, they can be from other video sites or TV broadcasts.

Facebook booting

Right Manager allows the video owners to upload a list of their content that needs to be protected and monitored. They can also white list specific profiles or pages and give them permission to use their copyright video content.

One difference that You Tube’s Content ID has, it allows owners of the content to make money by billing the organizations that re-uploaded their content, something that is still missing in Facebook’s Right Manager Tool.

As per the data gathered by tracking video content activity online last year, it appeared that out of 1,000 most popular Facebook videos over a period of three months, 725 were freebooted re-uploads which earned around 17 billion views.

Currently, the videos on Facebook are not ad-supported, which means there is a lot less at stake for creators whose work gets freebooted than there is on YouTube.

Facebook is in the process of testing its monetization model, wherein if someone watched the ads that are suggested after the video, the ad revenue is split with Facebook. Also, content owners might want a share of the revenue, if someone free-boots their video content rather than removing the content.

Publishers need to apply to the Right Manager to use the new service.

Facebook hopes that the reporting of the copyright issues would be a more streamlined process now than manually looking into such complaints.

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