I am a online fashion boutique owner. We provide fashionable and trending attires for youth.
I have just opened an account on Pinterest. Can you tell me which accounts to be opened there?
On your Pinterest account, you can create boards on various themes and as you are new to Pinterest, you can follow the boards on those themes to get ideas. Themes that are relevant to your business can be Stylish Shirts, Stylish Trousers, Stylish skirts, Stylish footwear (if your business includes it as many fashion boutiques to include them), Travel Attire, Party Attire, Ball Attire, Fashionable attires donned by celebrities etc.
While creating your pinterest strategy you need to follow some important tips as follows :
1. Pin relevant content. Include your product category first.Be sure you pin high quality pictures.
2. Provide proper link to the pins so that user can land on his/her most desirable page.
3. Apart from product category, also pin the content which communicates value to the user ( Not just promotion) e.g. Quotes,Infographic, Tips and tricks, DIYs etc.
I hope these tips will be helpful to you.
All the best.