content or backlinks

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    Backlinks are web links from a web page, back to your own web page or web site.
    We can call backlinks as Inbound links and Incoming Links.

    We do have 2 types of backlinks:
    1. Nofollow link
    2. Dofollow links

    The link we give to an external link (Another Website link) known as Banklink

    Backlinks are very important for SEO in order to get a better rank in SERP pages.
    Acquiring backlinks is a very crucial aspect of off-site SEO.



    If you are creating more links rather than puting quality content on page, you website will not rank well. Content should be first prefernce for me for ranking any website after that quality backlinks not in quantity.
    Content is King


    As coming to me I always prefer Content, because “Content is the King”
    without useful content, it is hard to get backlinks for your website. While submitting your site to another, you need to have informatic content which is related to your website, by the quality of your content only you will get the backlinks from quality websites.

    So make sure your Content is Strong and unique.



    Both content and backlinks are important factors to improve the ranking of a website.


    Both Content and Backlinks are important in SEO. according to me content is little bit more important than backlinks because content is a king in these days without content we can’t do anything.


    I hope you know. Content is king of SEO and Backlinks are links which describe the status of your site to search engine. Both things are best.


    Which one is better, content or backlinks?

    Both content and backlinks are equally important when it comes to ranking in SERP. Quality content is an effective on-page SEO technique that attracts scores of searchers and improves their user experience, which ultimately boosts your SERP ranking. Good content will additionally generate a higher number of backlinks from other websites, which will also improve your ranking. An increased number of the relevant backlink is an off-page SEO strategy that will create higher traffic for your webpage. In practical terms, good content will improve user experience, generate backlinks, and these backlinks will help you rank your site higher on SERP.


    I think content is the important thing that helps to increase the traffic of the website.


    Both have their own values in SEO. Content is King in SEO and backlinks help to boost up your website traffic. If you write high-quality content for your website it will help your website to get ranked easily in Google.


    Both content and backlinks plays important role to get better ranking in search engine results page. Creating meaningful & fresh content is mandatory and also that Good content helps to stay the lead on page.


    Backlinks are important to help you rank, But content works across all channels from PPC to SEO, media coverage, and referral traffic.


    To achieve the best SEO results, it’s important to focus on both content and backlinks. High-quality content will attract natural backlinks as other websites find your content valuable and link to it. On the other hand, having a strong backlink profile can enhance the visibility and authority of your content, helping it rank higher in search results.
    Visit our website KITAB NAGRI to analyze how we have ranked our website.

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