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  • Author
    • #978
      Gajanan Sapate

      The Purpose:
      SocialChamps forums are meant to be a community of marketers who like to debate and discuss social media marketing.One of the inherent requirements for being a part of this forum is being ready for some constructive criticism.
      Every member is an integral part of our virtual family and hence it is essential that individual opinion should be respected. The debate should be purely topical and at no time should act as an offensive against an individual or a group.

      Beginners Notes:
      Every participant’s true identity is secured in our database. Hence it is recommended that you represent your true identity. Networking is good and it may lead to long term benefits.

      Below are certain tips and steps, which will help you in the first few days on SocialChamps Forums.

      1. To participate in any discussion OR to create topics, you would need to register on forums.
      2. While registering on Forums, please do check your SPAM box as some times mail service providers like gmail, may post the registration emails in SPAM folder.
      3. While registering fill the complete profile in your login dashboard.
      4. Having a small one line signature* is a good option. You can include your profile, website link and a little bit of information there.

      *We may edit the signature, if violating any guidelines mentioned here.



      1. Add Value: We are here to help each other by sharing our experiences, online resources, suggestions, feedback and constructive criticism. Let’s try and add value in every comment that we make.
      2. Let’s not ask repeat questions: If someone has asked a repeat question by mistake, guide them to the earlier discussion.
      3. Try to be Organized: It’s good to have the navigation well defined so that your questions remain useful for other members. Try to be organized and ask questions in relevant threads/forums.



      1. Let’s NOT PROMOTE: The purpose of this forum is to help social media community. Any kind of promotion for jobs, advertisements, lease/rent based things, third party tools/applications, specific services, Link Building and Events Promotions etc. is highly prohibited. We can have separate threads for promotions.
      2. Activities done to build traffic on websites will also be prohibited.
      3. Maintain Decorum: Disrespect, dishonour or any kind of fights between existing members will never be tolerated as it hampers the open debate culture of the entire community.

      No Affiliate promotions, Links or MLM kind of things should be posted on any threads.

      Maintain the line between PERSONAL and PUBLIC
      Information which you are publishing on Forums are bound to be public. Hence not just community but the whole population on internet is able to see this as it will be listed in google or other similar search engine results. Hence take care of your information privacy while updating profile or publishing comments.

      Posting tips:

      1. First Search then Ask: An efficient Google Custom Search has been integrated within the website. It allows you to look at the current forum topics and resources. If, it’s already been asked by other users, you are recommended to follow that thread.
      2. Keep it Simple and Crisp: Give a background to your question for better understanding of the matter in hand. For better solutions, try and ask questions in simple sentences to avoid confusions. For greater participation it is advised that all forum members should ask their questions in English. Avoid slangs while writing.
      3. Subject: It should be easy to understand and search.
      4. Formatting: It’s a good habit to format your posts before posting. Use paragraphs, bold, list, italics etc to make it look good.
      5. One Question One Posting: Let’s NOT cross post in multiple threads or forums.
      6. Ask Sensible Things: We are here to discuss Social Media hence, let’s stick to that.



    • #15114

      I am Also Agree

    • #16508

      Agreed and believe this a helpful guideline for the beginners like me.

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