10 Reasons brands should have CHAT BOTS!

Ever since the chatbots have been introduced, there is a lot of buzz that these bots will become the next paradigm shift in marketing brands. Though it’s too early to predict things with only a few brands using it, the developments surrounding these chatbots are...

Why one should invest in Digital Marketing?

Gone are the days of ‘interrupt marketing’ wherein people were interrupted to pay attention to product promotion. For example TV/radio ads, telemarketing calls, email campaigns, etc. Online/digital marketing gives the ability to reach customers to the door of the...

Prisma – The New Photo Editor!

Prisma a new camera app, released in June this year, transforms your photos into artworks. The app is said to use a combination of neural networks and artificial intelligence to give your photos a look of Picasso’s brush strokes. The app has taken social media...