Facebook has made the timeline compulsory for brands now and many start-ups, SME’s and bloggers are facing problems to understand the difference between older Fan Page and Time-Line. Timeline for the brand makes sense as it speaks about the history, milestones, and flow of growth story. See our Time-line here. 🙂
Let’s have a look at 6 major features of Facebook Timelines, which you should learn and understand.
1. Cover Image:
The dimension of Cover photo should be 851px X 315px. it should talk about your brand or products or services provided by your company. As per Facebook Policy, It should NOT have the following:
- Price of product or offer information
- How to buy
- No ref to FB features (Like us or comment or share)
- No website line or phone number
- No call to action (Participate or register or win or grab by clicking)
2. Profile picture:
It plays a crucial role as the profile image is shown next to updates. It is also being displayed in your sponsored ads. Follow below two points for the profile picture.
- Set your logo if you are a company targeted to B2C or B2B
- If you are a consultant and want people to contact you can provide a web link or contact number so people can reach you.
3. Organize your Apps:
You can reorder the apps (similar to the previous version). Fans can get exposed to 12 apps. You can change the image of the apps to increase the conversion or engagement. For example, Your freebie e-book app can have an image of ‘Download Now’ or Newsletter app can have ‘Register now’ image
4. Hide or Star or Pin the posts:
- You can hide the post if you think that particular story should not be made public for your fans.
- You can start a post to double the width of the post, it can be an image, video or text to capture the user attention (Launch of a new product range or company updates or New print ad….)
- You can pin a post to ensure a particular post remains on top of the fan page wall to ensure that it gets maximum visibility for e.g. You have a webinar or teleseminar or premier launch and you want to sell or market the slots or ticket it is recommended to pin the post in order to receive max visibility
5. Enable messages:
By enabling this feature Fans can start a private conversation with u about product or service or improvements or experience
6. Create Milestones:
Now you can travel back to the time and create milestones of your company. Millstones can have certain featured events of your company like Founded, Awards, Featured, etc.
Please ask your questions about the timeline, below as comments. You can also share your Facebook Fan page URL to share your timeline cover image.