Social Media Day Pune 2015 – Snapshot

Social Media Day Pune Around 300 attendees, 2400 mentions on Twitter for #SMDAYPUNE, appearance in National Trend on Twitter, 488775 reach & 1315238 Impressions … Social Media Day Pune 2015 concluded fairly well. Highlights of the event: Open Mic: The event...


UPDATE: Visit the WEBSITE – SocialMediaDayPune.Com SPEAKERS: Know More SCHEDULE: Know the Schedule  BOOK TICKETS: EXPLARA #SMDAY 30th June which is declared as SOCIAL MEDIA DAY by Mashable also added to the traditional yearly calendar. #SMDAY is being celebrated...

Case Study ‘Foodie World Cup’ – Chatkazz

Brand Name: Chatkazz (Indian restaurant based on Australia) Idea: Cricket is a religion for Indians, leveraging ICC World Cup 2015 we planned the Foodie World Cup. A contest between the food items which involved users to vote and make their favorite dish a winner....

Impact of Social Media Influencers on Brands

Social Media Marketing is no more driven by the number of likes a brand can amass on a social networking site; it is now dependent on the brand influencers. Social media influencers are experts in a particular field who have gained credibility and are recognized for...

Engage Users with Facebook Video Feature

Tips to Boost ROI and Engage Users with Facebook Video Feature You might have noticed the video feature in Facebook feed. But to quench your curiosity you might have looked everywhere, but hardly failed to derive how the video can help your business. Here are some...

Relevance Scores for Advertisements on Facebook

With the help of Facebook, the digital marketing experts try to show people that the ads are the most important goal for them. That is why we have seen that several factors come up as relevance to determine how we deliver ads. Taking the relevance Scores into...