sales force software?

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  • #31295

    Does anyone know of any software which accompanies multiple sales reps and a sales manager?

    I have been slowly building up my own database with mysql and PHP but I need more an have run out of time. Thus I am probably going to scratch the whole idea and just adopt some “off the shelf” program.

    I’d like a system which allows an administrative assistant to enter in new leads as they come in. The sales manager can assign the leads to a specific sales rep. The sales rep can print the lead details and add notes to the lead, as well as updating the status of the lead. “Pending, dead or sold”. Also very important is reporting the sale date.

    The reason I started writing my own database is because I never found what I needed off the shelf… Any ideas?


    Does anyone know of any software which accompanies multiple sales reps and a sales manager?

    I have been slowly building up my own database with mysql and PHP but I need more an have run out of time. Thus I am probably going to scratch the whole idea and just adopt some “off the shelf” program.

    I’d like a system which allows an administrative assistant to enter in new leads as they come in. The sales manager can assign the leads to a specific sales rep. The sales rep can print the lead details and add notes to the lead, as well as updating the status of the lead. “Pending, dead or sold”. Salesforce integration partners check this Salesforce partner Also very important is reporting the sale date.

    The reason I started writing my own database is because I never found what I needed off the shelf… Any ideas?

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