How to create Twitter Cover Image

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    I have seen a Twitter cover image, is it similar to Facebook cover image? How can I create a Twitter Cover Image?


    Hi Christopher,

    Yes, the twitter cover image is similar to Facebook cover image. The dimensions to be used while designing the Twitter cover image should not be more than 520px by 260px.

    Also remember, the Twitter profile photo appears on the cover image. So the cover photo should be designed accordingly.

    Hope this answers your question.


    If you’re struggling with Twitter header dimensions, let me tell you that you’re not alone.
    though guidelines have been provided for header photo size but it’s seems difficult to get the Exact size.
    1.Best Header photo recommended size is 1500px by 500px
    2.Formats should be in any of these following: JPG, GIF, or PNG.
    Note: twitter doesn’t support any Graphic Interchange Format as on header image.3. Leave some space on the top and bottom corner.

    I thing this infomation would be pretty helpful to solve that issue, if not you can find me at here for more.

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