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    • #32053

      Establishments across all niches of life are in search of talent online, resorting to networks that help these establishments link with talented freelancers across the board. “TALENTED” is the focus here. Due to the high demand for skilled freelancers, the number of networks/websites that play the role of the third party between a company and freelancers has also increased exponentially.

      This is where the problem arises for companies and/or employers because all the freelance networks differ from each other in terms of services they provide, so it is wise that if you are looking to hire freelancers, you should invest some time in researching developers/freelancers that meet your needs. Simply relying on Toptal or Turing might lead you to a dead-end. It’s a good place to start but it’s also wise to look into alternatives to Toptal and Turing while you are at it!

      23 Best Toptal Alternatives with Pricing in 2023 [Updated]

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