SEO Audit Services

What can it do for your business?

The best way to trust that your content is doing its job is by periodically undertaking a technical SEO audit to check its performance. We take a comprehensive look at the content on your website and your brand’s presence online to ascertain how well your content strategy is working for you.

Our SEO audit checklist
Before we audit your content’s SEO performance we identify a strategy that aligns with your brand’s marketing goals.
We look at your content strategy from multiple aspects including competition analysis, a keyword analysis, SEO audit and the technical SEO audit of your website and content channels.

Our SEO audit


Before we audit your content’s SEO performance we identify a strategy that aligns with your brand’s marketing goals. We look at your content strategy from multiple aspects including competition analysis, a keyword analysis, SEO audit and the technical SEO audit of your website and content channels.

Activities part of SEO audit


There are multiple activities which are part of our SEO audit services. Here are a few listed for your reference:


Technical Analysis

We do a technical analysis of your content framework, both on your website and on off-site locations. We check the content for accessibility and the accuracy of index coding that your content uses.

Competition Audit

Our SEO site checkup does not work in isolation. We carefully do an analysis of keywords your competitors are using so that we can generate more ranking for your SEO content. In this way, we are able to create a strategy that takes into consideration what your consumers are reading and searching online.

Detailed Action Roadmap

Having a direction to take forward your website is important in many ways. It gives you a checklist of deliverables that you can use to enhance your website’s productivity and achieve calculated goals within a specified time frame. We offer a detailed road map for your SEO strategy, that if followed properly will ensure you get the results you are waiting for.

Site Architecture Audit

A site audit is the perfect way to identify problem areas and challenges on your website. The results will prove insightful in what needs to be improved in order to enhance your site and accelerate its performance on search engines. We take a comprehensive look at your site map, navigation, backlinks, and framework for search engine spiders.

Page Ranking

It goes without saying that businesses approach an SEO audit service when they want to increase the ranking of their content. We take a comprehensive look at your keyword strategy as well as your website architecture to ensure that your content setup is SEO-friendly and delivers results. We audit your content to offer ways that you can leverage SEO to improve your website ranking and generate more traffic online.

with us

SocialChamps is a leading digital agency with offices in India and California, having served 450+ clients in over 20 countries. We’ve worked with numerous real estate brands in South Asia and the USA. As a digital marketing agency, we offer dedicated staff verticals for companies looking to engage in market strategies,digital auditing, digital marketing campaigns, and development services in the real estate market, banking, hospitality market, and more.

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