What is Real-Time Marketing?
Real-Time Marketing is a marketing strategy that is focused on up-to-date events, current trends and customer feedback to connect consumers with the products and services they could use.
With the rise of social media and easy access to information on the target audience, real-time marketing grew in popularity since the marketers were able to transform this information into messages and be a part of people who want to be a part of trends. By marketing in real time, taking advantage of current events and fads, marketers increased the chances of making their products and services appeal to customers.
Why you should include real-time marketing in your marketing strategy?
Here are the 5 main reasons behind it:
- To develop Customer Relationships: Audience today is looking for value in the brands they engage with. To develop positive relationships you’re your customers, you need to personalize your messages and align it with their needs. By delivering messages to your audience at the right time and on the right channel, you, as a brand can inspire and engage them. Such messages will surely evoke them to take action and develop a deeper bond with your brand.
- To promote events: Real-time marketing is a highly effective tool for promoting events as events, by their nature, are real-time. They have a set start and end time. One can encourage pre-event promotions on social media using visuals for higher audience engagement. During an event, the highlights such as keynote addresses, breakout sessions can be documented on social media, so that the participants can be involved in real-time without having to be in the same room. As an event host, your brand can involve the audience in real time conversations increasing your brand awareness and improving the overall brand recognition among the audience who are a part of the event in online discussions.
- To increase social media engagement and reach: Real-time marketing can be useful in increasing a brand’s engagement and reach on social media. Creating discussions, photos, and memes, real-time celebrity Q&A, etc. on global events that are favorite with a large percent of audiences like the Olympics or the Oscars can increase your brand’s engagement as well as reach on social media. Apart from that, by becoming a part of the conversation in real-time to breaking news or a newly released statistic, one can reach a highly targeted audience that is eager to engage with quality content.
- To identify new customers and audience segments: With ever-changing interests of people, a brand always has a dynamic audience. Some may make a purchase, learn something new or just prioritize different needs. Real-time marketing helps brands to identify new customers and audience segments. Leveraging on social media data, your brand can discover an audience who are highly motivated to make a purchase or new customers who have expressed a desire to know more about your product/services.
- To identify influencers and brand advocates: Similar to identifying new customer segments, real-time marketing can also be used to identify specific customers who can become brand advocates or influencers. These individuals have the potential to influence the opinions of a large community. It’s good to dig in data in real-time to determine who is engaging most with your content or who has the most engaged followings. Try to engage directly with such individuals with personalized content to develop a long-term positive relationship.
With more and more focus on customer relationships and identifying new audience segments, it’s important for brands to recognize the importance of Real-time marketing. Whatever your approach may be to real-time marketing, there is no doubt that it is a valuable tool to reach your audience with the content that matters and hence spark and engage in conversations that will lead to relationship building and deeper brand loyalty.