How and Why Should Brands Use Social Listening?

What is Social Listening, why it’s important, tools for Social Listening? Social listening or Social media listening is the process of monitoring, analyzing and responding to conversations about your brand on social media. It’s important that you know...

The Psychology Of Memes And Its Use In Marketing

Everyone likes a spicy meme. Those bite-size jokes are a dopamine rush for the brain. But what is a meme, really? The word ‘MEME’ was coined in the year 1978 by the British Evolutionary Biologist, Sir Richard Dawkins. Mind you, even before the age of the...

Staff Augmentation – The Increasing Trend Post Covid-19

Staff augmentation is a growing trend of the use of contingent workers to supplement the employees in an organization. Staff augmentation is nothing new – in the past organizations would hire contingent workers to fill positions in their organization when...

Remote Digital Marketing Team: Step By Step Guide

A remote work team is a set of employees who work remotely across cities, countries, and continents. Remote teams are also known as augmented teams that work from a different location other than your office. The concept of the remote work team is nothing new. However,...

8 Discount strategies that grow your bottom-line

Discount is a way to attract more customers to your business and incentivize them to make a purchase. Discount strategies are very effective to grow more new customers and add them to the customer journey.  Offering a discount is not as easy as it seems. Sometimes...