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    • #57791


      I need advice. I recently started a job as a Social Media Manager for a print shop. I post on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., to promote the print shop. The owner says the only way he will know if what I am doing to bring in business for the company is working, is if customers go to the company website, click on the Contact Form, and request a quote. Customers that call in or walk into the print shop do not count because that is just random, even if they happen to see my postings on social media.

      Not sure how to handle this situation with my boss.
      I’ve tried explaining to him that more people will see the social postings I’ve uploaded and more likely to call in or walk into the store instead of going to the website, clicking on contact form and requesting a quote. He didn’t see my point of view. So I’m left trying to figure out how to get people to go to the website, click on the contact form and requesting a quote before I end up losing my job.

      Any help is greatly appreciated.
      Thank you

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