Faking The Fakes Part 3 – Identifying Fake Profiles on Facebook

In the previous article of this series, we told you how to find out if a Facebook page was buying LIKES. We also explained how such fake LIKES destroy the credibility of the page. Security firm Barracuda Networks has explored the menace of fake profiles in a study titled “Facebook: Fake Profiles vs. Real Users.” What did the study say about fake profiles on Facebook? The study


Faking the Fakes Part 1 – Concept of Fake Profiles

Faking the Fakes Part 1 – Concept of Fake Profile On social media, there are lots of fake profiles on various platforms. These profiles are used for a number of purposes. Sometimes this is done to create the impression of a social media page or a blog having high popularity. Sometimes, it is done to create comments and LIKES to show that the page does have active
